Tuesday, May 29, 2007

happy dairy month

according to this article in the food section of today's new york times, june is national dairy month - and dairy alternatives month as well!

as kim severson writes, "we are, each and every one of us, standing together on the threshold of national surimi seafood month. june is also the month to celebrate papayas, iced tea, frozen yogurt, candy, soul food, steakhouses and applesauce cake. and whether you eat turkeys or simply admire them, prepare to party. june is turkey lovers’ month, too. at least 175 days a year are set aside in recognition of some form of food or drink. this puts a lot of pressure on the average eater. the week of july 15 alone starts with tapioca day, moves into fresh spinach day, national caviar day and national daiquiri day, and ends with national junk food day."

happy eating!

and for more reading, check out the indispensible chase's calendar of events.

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